Sponsored session - Meeting WHO 90-70-90 Goals: Expanding access to novel HPV screening technologies through private-public partnerships
Session organised by BD (United States).
Chaired by Catherine Murithi, BD (Kenya)
Jesper Bonde, Ph.D., Dipl.Med.Sci., Senior Researcher, Head of Unit, Molecular Pathology Laboratory, Dept. Pathology, AHH-Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital (Denmark)
Jeffrey Andrews, MD, FRCSC, Vice President, Medical Affairs, BD Integrated Diagnostic Solutions, BD Life Sciences (United States)
Rebecca Luckett, Obstetrician Gynecologist, Princess Marina Hospital (Botswana)
Sergio Carmona, BSc (Hons), MD, PhD, FCpath, Chief Medical Officer at FIND (Switzerland)
In 2020, all WHO Member States endorsed the Global Strategy towards the Elimination of Cervical Cancer at the World Health Assembly, which called for the acceleration of proven measures to meet ambitious goals by 2030. Unfortunately, during the pandemic cervical cancer screening declined over 50% in many developed economies and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are expected to have suffered worse. Examples of successful programs that seek to recover lost progress give us hope that we can turn lessons learned from the pandemic into actions and opportunities for the future. In the light of these facts, this session aims to discuss:
• Where does cervical cancer fit within national cancer priorities?
• Emphasize the important role of HPV screening to meeting the WHO’s 90-70-90 goals for the elimination of cervical cancer
• Highlight examples of successful programs to expand access to HPV screening through private-public partnership
• Emphasize the role of patient access and empowerment (role of self-collection)
• Role of technology in supporting HPV screening programs
• How do we move government policies and organization guidelines to highlight the role of extended genotyping